Until 2007, Martha's Vineyard and Chappaquiddick were connected by Norton Point Beach, a narrow, two-mile long strip which would occasionally become temporarily breached by the weather.
The Cherokee Strip was a two-mile strip running along the northern border of much of the Cherokee Outlet, and it was the result of a surveying error.
Beth MacDonald, executive director of the Springfield Avenue Partnership, a group dedicated to the rejuvenation of the area, is excited about the future of the two-mile commercial strip.
This is not a town but a two-mile strip, with eight hotels - and more on the way.
The approximately two-mile rectangular strip called Old Wethersfield (listed on the National Register of Historic Places) offers visitors an easy way to lose themselves without getting lost.
He kangarooed out of the parking space and headed for the exit that would bring him on to the Prom, the two-mile strip that ran alongside the sea wall.
"We think we have self-delivered products; all you need is a two-mile strip of cement," said Judith A. Muhlberg, a company spokeswoman.
A good day trip option is Pie de la Cuesta, the narrow two-mile strip of land between the ocean and a freshwater lagoon.
Atlanta, for example, is fairly well preserved: There is Auburn Avenue, a two-mile strip that Fortune magazine once called "the richest Negro street in the world."
Because the town overlapped the Yalobusha-Lafayette County line, the legislature gave Yalobusha a two-mile strip of land from the southern portion of Lafayette County.