For example, a two-minute call from Stamford, Conn., to New York City costs about a dollar.
On 20 August, he was allowed to make a two-minute call to his family.
The vice president was logged calling the president at 10:18 for a two-minute call that obtained the confirmation.
Of course, the tapes weren't that many hours long because often there were only three or four two-minute calls per hour.
You heard the two-minute call!
One unit costs 10 pence, enough for a two-minute local call; the highest-priced card is $:20, about $30.
If every call has a 50-cent minimum, even a two-minute call can cost you 50 cents.
Almost all lawyers bill them; as for the two-minute call, some record a minimum charge and others don't.
There was also a two-minute call to ImClone's offices in New York, Mr. Johnson said.
The "two-minute" call in embryo transfer indicates the amount of time the embryologist has to remove the embryos from the incubator and transfer them to the uterus.