In the final two-minute clip, Dwight makes the interns memorize trivial bits of information, then tells them what he believes are inspirational stories.
But even shown in one- and two-minute clips, they are generally tedious.
Often, all of these elements are squished into a single two-minute clip.
After all, if you need a two-minute clip of a film, you could always get it from a VHS tape or by taping a TV screen.
Under slightly different circumstances, the true story that became the fictionalized "Debajo del Mundo" might have become a two-minute clip in "Hotel Terminus."
The first two-minute clip included extended scenes of the KABOOM!
On June 28, two days prior to the premiere of the episode, Comedy Central released a two-minute clip depicting Bender's death.
The two-minute clip Breitbart ran is introduced with this text: "Ms Sherrod admits that in her federally appointed position, overseeing a billion dollars.
A two-minute clip is included in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
"My interests may all sound far apart but you'd be amazed how I can combine all these in a two-minute clip."