During his two-month, 2500-mile journey through Poland, Morgenthau visited the eight cities in which the more important excesses had occurred.
Meanwhile, over the two-month journey back to the planet, Spock works on the translation of the obelisk's symbols.
It was a two-month journey.
This tied in with Faithfull's Antarctica Dispatches-the initial 'live' drawing project undertaken during the two-month journey.
At that time, all household and medical supplies had to be carried in by porters from the coast, a two-month journey.
It is a two-month journey.
"But I'm afraid I'll have to ask your indulgence there, Honorable-after all, it is a two-month journey to Terra."
It had been a two-month journey from Trent, the nearest Survey base, to here.
Without a penny to her name, she began the long, two-month journey on foot.
Now two years after his awakening, the Buddha agreed to return, and made a two-month journey by foot to Kapilavastu, teaching the dharma as he went.