They were headed to Australia for a two-month stay.
He played seven games with Darlington during a two-month stay, before leaving the club in January 2009.
However, once again, the 184th saw no action during their two-month stay in Paris.
They had reached the midpoint of a two-month stay and both agreed that the practice period was getting challenging.
The house is for rent for $25,000 a month, with a minimum two-month stay.
Pascual Perez, making his first start following a two-month stay in a drug treatment center, pitched seven innings.
After a two-month stay in the hospital, his father was released and returned to Greece.
The paroled soldiers were fortunate to have only about a two-month stay.
The parolees had a two-month stay at the camp.
Why is the show invariably reviewed the last week before the closing of a two-month stay?