In 1990 he went on a two-month visit to Australia and New Zealand to attend performances of his music.
Mr. Canty made contact with the Soviet authorities on a two-month visit to the Soviet Union last summer.
Upon returning from America he took on the duties of the president of the Institution of Civil Engineers, which included a two-month visit to South Africa.
Susie Chatz, 24, was on a two-month visit from her native Johannesburg and said fencing was the perfect diversion.
It is probable that the Dada Baroness created the work during a two-month visit to Philadelphia, during which she worked with Schamberg.
On 5 October, she got underway for a two-month visit to Pearl Harbor to provide repair support in the middle Pacific.
Hicks wrote of her social observations of the United States during a two-month visit, from which her housemate springboarded into social commentary about Singapore.
Harriman became interested in jiu-jitsu after his two-month visit to Japan in 1905.
In 1966, during a two-month visit to New York, Venet was influenced by Minimalism, consequently incorporating this style into his art (cfr.
He returned to Denmark for a two-month visit in mid-1687, while Anne remained in England.