Other two-night packages run as low as $266.
Iceland Air offers two-night packages (including flight, hotel and city tour) from $677 per day.
A two-night package with up to six hours of riding lessons per person, daily breakfast and one dinner, starts at $695 a couple.
A two-night package that includes accommodations, meals, activities and charter flight from Kununurra costs $1,950.
Participants can choose a two-night package, March 7 to 9, for $497 a person double occupancy or $610 single occupancy.
On weekends a similar two-night package is $149.95.
A two-night package is available when space allows, which is "pretty much off season," said a spokesman for the spa.
Save £106 on two-night packages to Jersey taken throughout January and February.
Double rooms cost $175 to $195 a night; a two-night package for $110 a night, on weekends, includes a free drink and health club access.
For two-night packages from €55/£44 per person, including city passes, visit www.amiens.fr.