In May of that year, he published the second part of a two-part essay, "The End of Ordinary Money" on the Internet.
In 1966, when John McPhee wrote a monumental two-part essay on oranges for The New Yorker magazine, he was surprised to discover how difficult it was to get fresh orange juice in Florida.
A two-part essay on Lebanon by Jacobo Timerman appeared in the Oct. 18 and Oct. 25, 1982 issues of The New Yorker.
A two-part essay making this point appears in a Boston Review forum.
In 1941, Nock published a two-part essay in the Atlantic Monthly titled "The Jewish Problem in America".
To the Editor: Until its last sentence, Michael Norman's two-part essay about Mark Richard's "Fishboy" is great news.
In the summer of 1936, Haraszti published a two-part essay on Franz Liszt, entitled Liszt á Paris in the publication La Revue Musicale.
This two-part essay, with the bassist Ron Carter as host, can be seen on Bravo tonight and next Thursday night.
Adair contributed many influential articles to the Quarterly, including his classic two-part essay, "The Authorship of the Disputed Federalist Papers," and "The Tenth Federalist Revisited."
In its two-part essay, Boxoffice also called the documentary "willfully distorted."