And starting tonight, NBC is rolling out a two-part production of "Jason and the Argonauts."
Combining legal advocacy and statistical analysis, the Book is actually a two-part production.
This evening, for instance, Channel 13 will carry the first half of a two-part production called "The Talking Parcel."
So does much of this two-part production, which runs through Sept. 27 at the Taper, and the feeling generates a buzz of good will among the audience that goes far in sustaining attention.
The next two nights, Turner Network Television presented its two-part production, "A Season of Giants."
The ambitious two-part production was commissioned by Performance Space 122 and UCLA Live.
Yet the two-part production, performed by Dance Anonymous on Wednesday night at the Duke on 42nd Street, was not always choreographically expressive.
In any event, the premiere is a two-hour two-part production called "Sweet 15."
In late 2011, Barron's two-part production of Treasure Island was shown on British Sky television.
Still, Mr. Kladitis noted that Tony Kushner's two-part production of "Angels in America" later rose to the same challenges.