The latest furor within the agency's senior ranks began on Thursday when the bureau issued a two-sentence statement in response to a reporter's question.
So far, the Congressman has issued only a two-sentence statement calling the impeachment matter "a trauma for the country that demands enormous caution."
Arista's parent company released a surprisingly short two-sentence statement this morning.
Last night, the Tigers' public relations department released a two-sentence statement on the matter: "We expect to know tomorrow the status of this weekend's games.
Tellem declined to answer other questions about Palmeiro and said his two-sentence statement was all he was willing to offer.
The sports division issued a two-sentence statement saying that the network would show Monday's game.
At 10:50 p.m., the White House press office released a two-sentence statement that screamed "failure."
In a two-sentence statement today, the Chief Justice refused to block the indictment.
Lucchino was even less outspoken, declining to elaborate on a two-sentence statement issued by his office.
Ms. Sheaffer herself issued only a two-sentence statement that she read over the telephone to reporters.