The scooter has self-starter and autolub system to mix two-stroke oil with fuel.
The engine was lubricated via a separate tank for two-stroke oil, allowing the use of ordinary petrol.
Even then, in many cases, the rider would carry a bottle of their own two-stroke oil.
These, he knew, contained a premixture of high-octane gasoline and two-stroke oil formulated for cold-weather running.
Today, owners normally carry a container of two-stroke oil in the car for this purpose.
The two-stroke oil is ultimately burned along with the fuel as a total-loss oiling system.
"Don't worry," he says, "you're not going to smell two-stroke oil when you're eating your panini."
This model lacks an automatic lubrication system thus two-stroke oil must be pre-mixed with petrol.
Increasingly, these models were fitted with an early two-stroke oil mixing pump, fed from a reservoir incorporated in the petrol tank.
It has autolub system which omitted the need for premixing of two-stroke oil with gasoline.