We're using it to highlight the differences between our two-term congressman and a 25-year-old who hasn't finished college.
So the two-term congressman has the Democratic governor reeling.
It was, in some ways, another in a series of gambles by the two-term Congressman in recent weeks.
Democrats are rallying around Brad Carson, a two-term congressman who is running as a centrist.
The White campaign challenged the findings and insisted that its own polls show that the two-term Congressman is six points ahead.
He was a two-term congressman of the 2nd District of Quezon Province from 2004 to 2010.
Wes Dawson, two-term Congressman, stuck on the transportation safety subcommittee, interviewing bikers.
Samuel Ingham (1793-1881) was a two-term Congressman from Connecticut.
The two-term congressman was narrowly re-elected after a challenge from Democrat, Al Ullman, who ultimately defeated him in the election of 1956.
Mr. Rowland, a conservative two-term Congressman from Waterbury, had pledged to avoid any new taxes next year despite a huge state budget deficit.