But we have got to spend considerably more effort on opening up a two-way dialogue.
Crisp and clear two-way dialogue, with no chance for awful mistakes or missed information, was indispensable.
And both engage them in two-way dialogue and are available 24/7.
"Create a website that expresses 'who you are as a business', using Web 2.0 technology to open up a two-way dialogue with your customers."
This requires a two-way dialogue between the customer and the business.
Hine's goal was to gather feedback and open a two-way dialogue with the public.
This idea of an active, two-way dialogue between corporation and consumer is key to managing an image with social media.
He's committed to these public meetings as a way to foster the two-way dialogue that is fundamental to representative government.
Then you could introduce two-way dialogue to the traditional dream form.
Some organisations were actively engaged with the business community in a two-way dialogue.