Live, two-way video is further down the road.
He could, though, get in touch with a doctor thousands of miles away, via two-way video.
Using two-way video, classes and individual teachers will see and interact with another in the same building or across the district.
It allows instantaneous, high-quality two-way interactive video so the doctor and patient can talk to each other.
HostageGirl, once you do the link, we should have two-way video and audio.
But for two-way video and audio, it gets a bit more complicated.
There is no provision, for example, for two-way video so the teacher can observe the students and respond more easily.
Guests could also talk to a live cast member via two-way closed-circuit video, or make a restaurant reservation while in the park.
A different group of children experienced two-way live video.
Technology experts give the impression that money will be saved because two-way video can match one teacher with several classrooms at once.