The shootings today come as the military-dominated Government of Lieut. Gen. Henri Namphy prepares to announce the results of a two-week investigation into the Election Day violence.
Eight men and women were arrested Monday after a two-week investigation into the incident.
But the Superintendent of Schools here was not so sure, and it took a two-week investigation by the Board of Education to set aside the Superintendent's concerns.
Sir Ian said the unexploded bombs were a lucky break not only for London, but also for the two-week criminal investigation into the earlier bombings.
A team from the human rights organization Amnesty International arrived on Dec. 4 to begin a two-week investigation into political killings.
During a two-week investigation, the team found ten skeletons in a septic tank in the town's largely destroyed Serb area.
After a two-week investigation and testimony from more than a dozen witnesses, the grand jury cleared the 25-year-old officer, Hyda Hernandez, of any wrongdoing, the spokesman, Patrick Clark, said.
On February 13, 2010, following a two-week investigation, Escobar was fully cleared of any criminal violations by the Sheriff's Department.
On Wednesday, after a two-week investigation, Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn charged him with mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering.
He needed the time to sort through the information he'd been exposed to during the two-week investigation.