A two-week supply of patches sells for about $50.
Her brother's condition worsened, the letter said, and he was given only a two-week supply of medication from a hospital emergency room.
They would be down to less than a two-week supply when they arrived at their destination.
Customers must have a prescription; they are given a maximum of a two-week supply.
They bought a modest two-week supply, about 20 or 30 bags.
Gaza is believed to have about a two-week supply of gasoline left.
A patient who goes out of town is limited to a two-week supply.
The average wholesale price of a two-week supply, he said is $360.
Store at least a 3-day supply and consider storing a two-week supply of water for each member of your family.
But when the order arrived, the brochure accompanying the product described the amount as a two-week supply.