It was the first multiple-goal game of his two-year career.
He competed in a two-year career that spanned from 1955 to 1957.
But Parker missed for only the eighth time in 35 attempts during his two-year career.
He finished his two-year career with 93 catches for 1523 yards and eight touchdowns.
During his two-year career he averaged approximately 21 points and 12 rebounds per game.
She released five singles and two albums over her two-year career in music.
He finished with four tackles (two for loss) and the first sack of his two-year career.
Overall, he wore three uniform numbers in his short two-year career.
Mitchell couldn't believe that the best game of his two-year career would be footnoted with a loss.
The 54-yarder was the longest of his two-year professional career.