Pinsky has been at Northwestern since 1968, following a two-year postdoctoral position at Stanford.
The position is currently held by Frank Patience, who was elected to a two-year position in January 2011.
As part of this recruitment effort, Rye Country Day also offers candidates in the two-year positions help with graduate school tuition.
It will be a two-year, part-time position elected citywide, as the mayor's office used to be.
We are particularly interested in candidates who would be available to start work in the Summer of 2012 and who are considering a one- or two-year position.
In Arkansas, the office of county clerk is an elected two-year position, quite often held by a woman.
The mayor's job in Irvington is a two-year part-time position that pays $4,800 a year and involves policy making and ceremonial duties.
In 2005, Argentina assumed again the two-year non-permanent position on the UN Security Council.
It was a two-year position with the understanding that you go to business school when the two years are up.
He is also chairman of the National Commission on Public Service, a two-year nonpaying position.