He was seventy-six years old and Stage 4 lung cancer got him after a brave two-year struggle.
It was a two-year struggle scoring only 3 points a game and 30% made field goals.
The route, currently held by United, has been the object of a two-year struggle.
But after a two-year struggle with kidney and lung cancer, he died, aged 83.
Yes, those blazing eyes, which finally closed Saturday when he died at 78 after a two-year struggle with abdominal cancer.
He was forced to retire in 2000, after a two-year struggle with knee injuries.
He died in 1971 after an extended two-year struggle with the disease.
This is the latest stage of a two-year struggle between a neighborhood trying to preserve green space and a city government desperate to provide housing.
The decision comes after a two-year struggle between community leaders and the police union.
Austin's two-year struggle, which is still unresolved, reflects the national debate in all its complexity.