In the ensuing two-year trial, dozens of witnesses were heard and many documents were considered.
And the results stem from only the first year of a two-year trial.
Antonov was acquitted of the charges in 1986 following a two-year trial.
They have decided to give Mr. Levine's plan a two-year trial.
In 2004, the route was chosen for a two-year trial of hydrogen fuel cell powered buses.
The results announced yesterday concerned only the first year of a two-year trial.
They were convicted in a two-year long trial.
Originally implemented as a two-year trial from 2003 to 2004, the practice has been extended indefinitely.
The medical center will choose three or four other centers to take part in the two-year trial.
After a two-year trial, Anwar was acquitted on 10 January 2012.