The tip on the weld end of the stud serves a twofold purpose:
We send you to fulfill a twofold purpose.
This would serve a twofold purpose 1.
This serves a twofold purpose, as Crysania can find the healing she needs in the past.
Gilthas knew, if the rest of the elves did not, that Wanderer had a twofold purpose.
Clearly, the Broadway show, in shortened - or tabloid - form, serves a twofold purpose here.
Indeed, it would serve a twofold purpose.
"It has a twofold purpose for us because she is the first in the family to go to college," Mrs. Owens said.
In general, the systems serve a twofold purpose, though the more important of the two is undoubtedly to state the product's actual country of origin.
I presume that such media attention serves a twofold purpose.