Amgen has said it wants to use whatever type of drug is best for a particular job.
Rich Murray, the university's sports information director, declined to comment on what type of drug was involved.
She said a chemical study was under way to determine the type of drug he used.
Each type of drug has its own possible side effects, so it's a good idea to know exactly which high blood pressure medicines you take.
This generally means anyone caught with any type of drug, if its for consumption, will not be imprisoned.
He said that the advice to patients about how to use the two types of drug would become clearer during the next few years.
Dacarbizine is a type of drug used to fight cancer.
In her old school, she said "the kids knew every gun, every type of drug."
The two types of drug have not been tested together and theoretically could lead to a drop in blood pressure.
"Few people are being given that type of drug, and even if they are, it is not at those levels."