These two emerging types of household have traditionally sought their housing in the rented sector, both public and private.
Methods used vary with the type of deposit sought and the resources of the prospector.
Mr. Kaplowitz said it is just this type of money county officials will seek from the state as they look for long-term relief.
A prospective buyer can specify the type of house sought and receive an E-mail message when one pops up.
Solantic is an alternative to the emergency room care that these types of patients often seek, or for not seeing a doctor at all.
He described the location as "the type of hill one always seeks but seldom finds".
"The type of relationship sought has tended to migrate from something more casual a year ago to commitment or marriage today."
"Dost know an any child came here, or departed here, o' the type I seek?"
This plan will identify various communications channels related to participatory exploration and types of feedback sought.
This type of regulation seeks greater safety - and this is my response to the second question raised.