The paper was dirty and creased, but the typewritten words on it were clearly legible.
He glanced up and nodded his acknowledgment of her presence, then went back to studying a single sheet of paper covered with typewritten words.
The typewritten words danced before his eyes.
Like ghostly images, other typewritten words appeared there.
The typewritten words are French for the five elements of the universe: water, fire, earth, ether and air.
He ran his eye down the typewritten words and said, " It makes no immediate association of ideas in my mind.
He lifted up the paper, the envelope was rimmed with a black border, typewritten words on the front.
He opened his large leather folder and removed several sheets of paper covered with typewritten words.
They bore typewritten words, some of them names.
By looking at the back I could make out quite distinct though indecipherable traces of former typewritten words in the middle of the page.