The typical complaint about Zuckerberg is that he's "a robot."
The most typical complaints involved noise or general boisterousness, especially on the part of some fraternities, Mr. Maguire said.
"It doesn't get real smoky anymore around here because not so many people smoke now," she said, pausing only briefly to counter the typical complaints of nonsmokers.
The typical complaint is that people won't choose trains.
Ms. Denoncin, now 56, said with a weary laugh, recalling typical complaints.
Another typical complaint is joint locking, when the patient is unable to straighten the leg fully.
The diagnosis is based on the typical complaints of the patient, essentially normal physical findings, and the absence of identifiable causes per the differential diagnosis.
Next, Owens punches up a typical complaint a customer will make about a car - engine lacks power.
The typical complaint might be, "I went there and found the food to be terrible and the service to be worse."
"7 Armey asked for a meeting, but Bond dismissed his letter as "a typical complaint of those who oppose justice and fairness.8 The episode is instructive.