His typical mode of drag was a dirty 30's gown held together by safety pins, a wig and glitter around his eyes.
The works here represent de Chirico in what seems to have been his more typical mode - churning out dozens of willful, awkward, perverse images.
Graphics modes: Fully programmable, typical modes are 320x200, 640x200, and 640x400 (interlaced).
Club: The typical "double mode" - uses 6 step arrows and 4 sensors.
Also known as the respiratory route, it is a typical mode of transmission among many infectious agents.
This is the typical mode of transmission for the infectious agents of (at least):
Below, some typical modes of earthquake-generated failures are presented.
The figure shows some typical modes for a parallel hybrid configuration.
The typical mode is rear-wheel steering, where the front wheels remain fixed, while the wheels closest to the operating handle are used to turn.
In her snapshot of Riefenstahl, one sees Sereny in a typical mode.