By comparison, he added with typical modesty, when the partnership ended, a dance performance became a routine event.
"I'm just trying to finish up strong," Williams said with typical modesty.
What you take to be secrecy is a modesty typical of the grass roots.
"And I'm smarter than both of you," Casey added with typical modesty.
With typical modesty, he says that "[i]mages like that... usually arise when you're completely stuck for an idea."
With typical American modesty, he soon renamed the company after himself.
Plaudits still flow his way after the match, but Sole accepted them with typical modesty.
These are, he says with typical modesty, "the sort of thing professors like, and are expected, to do as part of their jobs."
'I just happened to be around some great players and be part of a great team', he said with typical modesty.
"Thanks for the praise, but I stole the idea from Mother Nature," Zavala said with typical modesty.