This year there were 3,546 reverse commuters on a typical morning and a total of 1.8 million for the year.
In 1997, there were 3,200 reverse commuters on a typical morning.
Population is sparse here and on a typical morning no more than a dozen cars will pass.
For instance, on a typical morning, Bill Strauss, 50, the group's director, was ready to try out a song he had written the night before.
It was a fairly typical morning for the English winter.
Those numbers are less impressive, though, when weighing in the value of a typical morning's trading.
On a typical morning, volunteers and visitors start arriving before the coffee is brewed.
The animals start early on a typical morning at La Folie.
One typical morning earlier this year, she was making this demanding schedule look easy.
She'd made coffee, read the newspaper, all the usual things she did on a typical morning.