Together with difficulty of cellular assay in generating and maintaining cellular typing reagents, cellular assay is being replaced by DNA-based typing method.
The 9105 features a traditional alphanumeric keypad and also utilises the SureType facility for predictive text with the option to use the traditional typing method.
RAPD is an inexpensive yet powerful typing method for many bacterial species.
With the exception of the hunt-and-peck method (still used by many today), there was no prescribed typing method for the early machines.
The first textbook to outline a typing method, "Handbook of Instruction for the Type-Writer" by Edward F. Underhill, was published in 1880.
There are several kana-based typing methods.
The development of molecular typing methods has enabled the tracking of different strains of S. aureus.
McGurrin won $500 ($10,820 in 2006) and popularized the new typing method.
For a typing method to be of value for epidemiological trace-back, it is essential to be able to subtype biovar 1 isolates.
McGurrin won US$500 (equivalent to $11,400 in 2007 USD) and popularized the new typing method.