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Example: Psycosmology model in a context of general, typological and individual.
Here, let's demonstrate a few of these mechanisms which might be interesting from a typological perspective.
Typological studies of projectile points have become more elaborate through the years.
These features are of two types cognates or typological data.
Nevertheless, there are certain typological features in common, due to continuous contact between the different families.
There can be a combination of two or more of these typological names.
A general type of path dependence is a typological vestige.
However, the exact typological chronology of this culture is still unclear.
The concept originated with a typological method of racial classification.
Typological characters can come from any part of the grammar or lexicon.
The grouping was based on geographic and loose typological grounds.
Typological universals are principles that hold for all the world's languages.
In modern times, typological and hierarchical models of race have increasingly been rejected by scientists.
So the classic typological races disappear in the scientific reality of time, environment and geography.
Another typological relationship Kutenai could have is the presence of its obviation system.
Nevertheless, traditional modes of typological sorting can be applied as follows.
Although various cross-linguistic studies have been undertaken, it is difficult to use these for typological purposes.
This rather technical article provides a typological sketch of the Miskito language.
Revelation shows a typological connection between ancient Israel's history, and church history.
This typological explanation of Moses' rod as the cross is not a novel one.
They represent variants of one tradition, the differences between them being both typological and technological.
Parts of speech systems as a basic typological parameter.
His approach to the History of Philosophy is mostly typological, not chronological.
Where such detailed studies have been made they tend towards the typological and shy away from the technological aspects.
The limitations of a typological concept of species, which goes back to Aristotle, are well known.