Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Typologically, the structure has been dated to the 16th century.
Universally, this is considered to be a typologically unusual change.
This is especially interesting because these languages are from a range, both genetically and typologically.
Some typologically exceptional points are discussed by Arensen, et al. (1997).
Okrand designed the language to sound "alien", using a number of typologically uncommon features.
The introduction of typologically based paths of sound change.
Even though typologically the languages of the Altai family are related, their genetic relationship is contested.
Script groups belong typologically to their generation; and changes can be noted with great accuracy over relatively short periods of time.
Even a symmetrical system can be typologically suspicious.
In the 1920s the paddle was typologically dated by palynological evidence to the Mesolithic period.
Typologically, it is one of the Bisakol languages.
Typologically, technologically, and morphometrically, the artifacts are more or less the same as those found in the Lalmai area.
The language is typologically aberrant and phonologically difficult.
They are typologically very similar to the Kx'a languages (below), but have not been demonstrated to be related to them genealogically.
The use of a classificatory prefix, as a opposed to a suffix, is typologically unusual.
Typologically the Magdalenian is divided into six phases which are generally agreed to have chronological significance.
Typologically, this is also very odd.
Kutenai is typologically a language isolate within the Northwest Linguistic Area.
Thus, the Puritans interpreted their own history typologically:
Typologically, the axes have a Middle Bronze Age date.
Alsatian, like several Germanic languages, has a typologically unusual phonation in its stops.
Taa is typologically unusual regardless in having mixed-voice ejectives.
Typologically, the monuments are adjacent to the similar kurgan burials in different areas of Tuva.
Abkhaz is typologically classified as an agglutinative language.
Most of them are typologically very unusual in that they are semi-syllabic rather than purely alphabetic.