For one thing, he was loath to begin their marriage by acting the tyrannical husband.
She has decided to return to the person who mistreats her best - her sadistic and tyrannical husband.
Doing her best to save the life of the small person in her care by keeping him out of the way of the cruel, awful, tyrannical husband.
Thomas Berrigan was a frustrated poet and a bullying, tyrannical husband and father.
Her tyrannical and bigoted husband is struck down by cancer.
I moved at once to obey-not the imperious dictates of a tyrannical husband, but the imperative need of a fellow professional.
Two sons result from her mean existence with a tyrannical husband.
Bassanes proves to be a tyrannical husband, irrational and jealous, who keeps his wife a prisoner.
When at length will fall from her those golden chains that bind her to a tyrannical and bloodthirsty husband--to the cruel and arrogant king?
Isabella grows to despise her vengeful, tyrannical husband, and, at the death of Catherine, taunts him by insisting that her death was entirely his fault.