Moaveni also expected to witness the fall of Iran's tyrannical regime.
Instead, it lasted four years and imposed a tyrannical regime on the French people.
Is engagement always better than isolation in the case of tyrannical regimes?
As a tyrannical regime, it uses terror to maintain power.
But why would the citizens of Baghdad rally around such a tyrannical regime?
In tyrannical or authoritarian regimes, people turn to writers and intellectuals to serve as the conscience of those countries.
An exiled prince is leading his own rebellion against the tyrannical regime currently in power.
We are dealing with one of the last tyrannical regimes in Europe, which must be overcome by peaceful, democratic and lawful means.
At the same time, let us express our solidarity with the Iraqi people in their fight to overturn this tyrannical regime.
Result of combining the strong with the just: the overthrow of a tyrannical regime.