They found that the cause of all the defects was a mutation in the tyrosine kinase receptor whose role was to receive signals from adjacent cells.
Discovery of the role of a tyrosine kinase receptor in the production of mouse blood cells has prompted development of a promising new drug.
The Kit receptor and related tyrosine kinase receptors actually are inhibitory and effectively suppresses receptor firing.
Inhibiting the tyrosine kinase receptor with imatinib (see below) may reduce the symptoms of mastocytosis.
It belongs to the large class of tyrosine kinase receptors.
Trk receptors dimerize in response to ligand, as do other tyrosine kinase receptors.
An example of a vital signal transduction pathway involves the tyrosine kinase receptor, c-met, which is required for the survival and proliferation of migrating myoblasts during myogenesis.
When the insulin is introduced to the liver, it connects itself to the insulin receptors already present, called a tyrosine kinase receptor.
The genetic mutation is in the gene encoding the neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor (NTRK1 gene).
Tie receptors constitute a family of endothelial tyrosine kinase receptors [ 3 4 ] .