Some people equate any such promise with the ugly specter of arrogant bureaucrats deciding which industries will grow, which will shrink.
Now that he has raised this ugly specter, we must deal with it," she says.
Poverty is an ugly specter when a mousewife has as many mouths to feed as she does.
"By open, I mean as free in terms of a critical atmosphere, and that sort of ugly specter of patriotism."
But Watson missed short putts on the 12th and 15th, raising the ugly specter of the putting problem that has plagued him for the last few years.
But a very ugly specter is stalking the country.
The ugly specter of censorship that you raise would be of a far more serious nature than the one being debated by the news media and the Pentagon.
I hate to raise the ugly specter of class warfare, but these people are a different class from everybody else.
It can vanquish the ugly specter of raising taxes and shake cash into shambling infrastructures, Head Start programs, fire brigades, tribal medical clinics.
The ugly specter makes people eager to turn away from the problem and, as one critic put it recently, consign it to "some leafy campus."