There was an ugly purple bruise at the corner of her left eye.
The father, who has come back from broken bones and ugly bruises, understood this would not be easy.
For the first time he saw the ugly bruise behind her left ear.
An ugly bruise marred the right side of his jaw.
There would be an ugly bruise up and down his arm in a few hours, but he was still sound enough for combat.
An ugly bruise had started to form on his chin.
The ugly bruise that had spread its yellow and green pattern over half her face.
In time they became ugly bruises on the two blocks.
They'd ended up really getting into it, though, as usual, neither of them had come out with anything more serious than a few ugly bruises.
It didn't take him long to get to my side, and when he saw the large, ugly bruise his jaw tightened.