At the end, the town voted overwhelmingly to adopt what became known as the "UK Stewardship Plan" to protect our green fields and prevent ugly urban sprawl.
Environmentalists say that lowering the obstacles to scattershot development could easily produce ugly sprawl, cookie-cutter subdivisions and environmental degradation.
The unlucky ones would be forced to spend the winter in an ugly sprawl of crude huts that sprang up on the fringes of the settlement.
All that could be seen was a huge, ugly sprawl of flesh the color of polished eggplant.
Paradoxically, he says, the only relief now from the ugly sprawl (once cattle ranches and fruit orchards) is the verdant Disney complex itself.
It was an ugly sprawl of tents and hootches built around an old French villa in the middle of a rubber plantation.
I believe decades of unplanned growth (with its ugly sprawl) has led far more people to leave the Island than did the poor economy of the early 1990's.
They hid the city and the ugly sprawl of squatters' shacks that huddled around it.
Vincovci came and then, against a flaming dawn, the ugly sprawl of Zagreb.
He collapsed in an ugly sprawl, as the flames moved toward him.