I'm not trying, for ulterior reasons of my own, to make him seem more critical of you than he really was.
For them, the obvious plan, the right way to do a thing, will have been chosen for some ulterior reason which is being kept hidden from them.
Resnick, without being asked, said there was no ulterior reason behind the postponement of Burress's visit.
After seizing control of Karma, it is revealed that Hatchi also had ulterior personal reasons for targeting the mutant.
But beyond that, he had a grander and ulterior reason.
"But I must admit that I have what you would probably call ulterior reasons for meeting with you today," Sun continued.
We both know I have ulterior reasons for wanting both of you to stay in the Game.
I had made it for no ulterior reason, but impulsively, out of admiration for the woman, when she had attracted my own attention.
I never smiled at a man without ulterior reason before, or had one smile at me who wasn't looking at my body.
Others argue that the ride was closed for ulterior reasons; namely the ride's politically incorrect portrayal of the voodoo religion.