It looked like a prophecy or foretaste of ultimate doom for all Ridjeck Thome's immaculate rock.
And the Naacals were also men looking upon an ultimate doom with naught to defend them.
His troubled futile attempts at restoring order in a universe plainly tumbling toward the ultimate thermodynamic doom.
The human race seems incapable of seeing its ultimate doom in a rational, intellectual light.
Even if half of this world is destroyed there will still be enough livable areas left to save the present intelligences from an ultimate doom.
They realize their ultimate doom, but they are fatalists, incapable of resistance or escape.
A closed universe seems the ultimate doom.
By this time the ultimate doom of the land city must have been recognized, for the sculptures showed many signs of the cold's malign encroachments.
"What else do you do when faced with ultimate doom?"