Turkey's senior military officers, who consider themselves the ultimate guarantors of secular rule, have issued no direct threats against the Welfare Party.
The methodology involves lending to individual women, using five- member groups as the ultimate guarantor for each member.
It is an armed civilian population that is the ultimate guarantor of popular freedom - as is now being demonstrated.
However, because catastrophic disasters can overwhelm the largest communities and private organizations, the ultimate guarantor of aid is the government.
Specific chapters deal with protecting corporate investment and intellectual property rights, both envisioning trade sanctions as the ultimate guarantor of enforcement.
Re-insurers are the insurers that stand behind bond issuers as the ultimate guarantors.
The ultimate guarantor of respect had always been family, bloodline.
Taxpayers, as the ultimate guarantors of deposit insurance, were left holding the bag.
Violence is extremely rare, but the threat of it does exist as the ultimate guarantor that people make every effort to repay debts.
The Federal Government is the ultimate guarantor; as a practical matter, it is the only one with anything truly at risk.