The ultimate incarnation of the 351 Cleveland appeared in that year's 330-bhp Boss 351 Mustang.
Dressed in a crisp navy suit, blue shirt and tie, sporting a gold wedding band like a banner, he is the ultimate incarnation of "my son the doctor."
The S2 will be the ultimate incarnation of the pocket synth and will take Stylophonic music to another level".
Oblomov is also the central character of the novel, often seen as the ultimate incarnation of the superfluous man, a symbolic character in 19th-century Russian literature.
There he discovers an apocalyptic prophecy involving serial killers employed by the ultimate incarnation of evil.
Yawgmoth built upon the newfound world and renamed it Phyrexia, the ultimate incarnation of his vision of phyresis.
In its ultimate incarnation, each radar pulse is sent out on a different frequency and therefore renders single-frequency jamming almost impossible.
Movie director most likely won't be Ms. MacLaine's ultimate incarnation, but she has asserted this particular self with her distinctive idiosyncratic vision.
It was the ultimate incarnation of a series of companies founded by Willard Rockwell.
The ultimate incarnation of the Esprit came in 1999 with the Sport 350.