The trial of these men was a travesty, and world opinion must rally against a government whose ultimate intent is to obliterate religious freedom.
He saw a lot of interest in furthering rocket programs at Caltech, with the ultimate intent of getting into space.
Although, in this instance, the defense reached its ultimate intent, they had to spend time calculating ways in which such foreign evidence could be introduced.
"The ultimate intent is to get the President and the Congress to end the budget impasse," he said.
But he wouldn't be the one to shatter her illusions, even if Johanna's ultimate intent was to do so.
But neither did it prove the nature, the ultimate intent, of Earth's node.
If Bernie Williams's ultimate intent is to re-sign with the Yankees, he may be running out of time.
The ultimate intent is to identify potential issues and their root causes so that they can be resolved to everyone's benefit as early as possible.
The ultimate intent of this was to eradicate all traces of national rather than racial consciousness, although their native languages were to remain in existence.
Jonathan returns to Saul, hoping to discover his father's ultimate intent.