Perhaps, the ultimate refinement was the screen-grid modulation scheme invented by Joseph B. Sainton.
In these Clay-men there was no refinement, no culture, unless pure instinct was the ultimate refinement.
The ultimate refinement, which a few hunters have achieved, is using one's vocal chords only.
That was the ultimate refinement, in discernment.
These pots of flowers are the ultimate refinement of his art.
It would be unsatisfying just to look at the ultimate refinement of their natures; the picture becomes too perfect and stylized.
And Shark is its ultimate refinement.
Thameera was even more sensitive, more visionary by nature; and hers was the ultimate refinement that is close to an autumnal decay.
The four-masted barque was the ultimate refinement of aerodynamic study and thousands of years of seafaring experience.
Pop is nowhere in obvious evidence, any more than jazz in its ultimate refinement jumps from Milton Babbitt's pages.