Canvas is not always the ultimate repository of whatever lessons artists learn in their encounters with the lens.
Indian rivers are the ultimate repositories of most industrial wastes, illegal pesticides and millions of tons of untreated sewage.
But it was hardly as surprising as finding a halfbreed among the members of the Assembly, that ultimate repository of Kharemoughi arrogance.
But the Time Lords' ultimate repository of information, the Matrix, remembers its construction, its detonation and its consequences.
Tribal prints have been emerging from the collective unconscious of mankind, sending primal, rain-foresty messages to the forebrain of that ultimate repository of Western Civilization, the garment industry.
The new theory, if true, would reinforce the view of the bone marrow as the ultimate repository of the body's regenerative powers.
By the late 1960's, women, long considered the ultimate repository of beauty, began pushing aside such traditionally feminine concerns in hopes of being taken seriously in the workplace.
And the ultimate repository of policy hardware in any administration is the Office of Management and Budget, which turns ideology and political compromise into hard numbers and concrete regulation.
It was an officer revolt, justified by a crude political theory which made the officer corps the ultimate repository of a general will.
Eventually they made their way to Earth, the ultimate repository of every sort of knowledge.