The material strength is chosen keeping in mind the factor of safety, i.e. the ultimate stress (where it fails) is much higher than maximum stress in the component.
For steel, the bars are cut if the stress point reaches ultimate stress or if the concrete reaches the separation strain.
He described that experience as "sort of the ultimate stress for a public official."
Hasidic emphasis on Divine Omnipresence sees the essential Divine purpose embodied only in action, its ultimate mystical stress on action.
The maximum tensile stress should be less than or equal to ultimate tensile stress divided by factor of safety.
The magnitude of the maximum compressive stress should be less than ultimate compressive stress divided by factor of safety.
The ratio of the ultimate stress to the allowable stress is defined as the factor of safety.
Fracture energy deserves prime role in determining ultimate stress at crack tip.
The ultimate stress of later traditions of Hebrew usually resulted from the loss of final vowels in many words, preserving the location of proto-Semitic stress.
When the material breaks a break stress (ultimate stress) and break strain are calculated.