Echocardiogram: An ultrasound picture of the beating heart.
Dr. Korones said that the best way to date a pregnancy is with ultrasound pictures before 20 weeks of pregnancy.
I presume a few friends said something like "post an ultrasound picture!"
Many businesses offer ultrasound pictures and videos of unborn babies for entertainment purposes, but some experts say these fun pictures could be harmful.
We announce ours all over facebook and twitter, put up ultrasound pictures and stuff.
When you look at ultrasound pictures, do you have trouble telling the baby's head from the foot?
Then he refused to say whether states should spend public money on abortions or require a woman to view an ultrasound picture of her fetus before an abortion.
A woman who wants her child, she added, is likely to react very differently to an ultrasound picture than one who has decided to have an abortion.
Or the doctor may look at ultrasound pictures of the brain.
And everywhere he went, Mr. Pecorelli showed strangers the ultrasound pictures.