Ovi, announced on 29 August 2007, was the name for Nokia's "umbrella concept" Internet services.
The initiatives put in place were very much things of their own time, despite the latter umbrella concept of the 'Stein-Hardenberg reforms'.
Later in 2004, IBM announced Workplace Client Technology (WCT) as an umbrella concept for creating managed client applications targeted at desktops.
This is an inclusive movement functioning within some principal umbrella concepts for which we initially united, these are:
Mr Blair explained to David Frost yesterday that he intends the term "stakeholder" economy to be an umbrella concept, under which a multitude of more specific policy initiatives will comfortably sit.
MLife Sciences is an umbrella concept for various collaborative projects in which the Methuselah Foundation participates.
But at Cooperstown the umbrella concept is still in place, and it works well enough for most of the material included here.
Recognizing Prior Learning (RPL) is a broad umbrella concept which values all learning that people have gained in their lives.
It's nearly meaningless as an umbrella concept, but incredibly meaningful in a case-by-case basis.
However, I have the impression that this is just an umbrella concept to disguise your lack of action.