So what's a Republican voter to do, knowing full well that the only ballot choice is between two unabashedly liberal Democrats?
He was an unabashedly liberal governor.
Because of his unabashedly liberal politics, Mr. Forsythe, 45 years old, represents something of a departure from previous budget directors.
While they are both unabashedly liberal on social issues, Mr. Tsongas is far more conservative on economic matters.
He is an unabashedly liberal Democrat, the son of a Mexican ranch hand, and his largely Hispanic district is one of the poorest in his state.
"In Vermont," said Jane Kitchel, commissioner of the state's unabashedly liberal Department of Social Welfare, "we have a tradition of social responsibility."
Ms. Damrosch is unabashedly liberal with butter and cream.
Though officially nonpartisan, Camp Wellstone is unabashedly liberal, or, in its preferred parlance, "progressive."
Unabashedly liberal, Kennedy championed an interventionist government emphasizing economic and social justice, but was also known for working with Republicans to find compromises between senators with disparate views.
He is unabashedly liberal, resisting even some of Mr. Cuomo's more moderate initiatives.