Many others have been sentenced to banishment - removal from their home city, unable by law to return.
The company was unable to complete the work and reopen the lines by 5 a.m. yesterday, as scheduled, officials said.
It would have been unable to cope anyway with the increasing size and weight of airliners by the mid-1930s.
The crew reached the islands but was unable to actually make a landing, due to interception by the Japanese coast guard.
After his release in June 1971 he was unable to find work, still haunted by his pseudonym.
However, he was unable to score and by the end of 1992, he was dropped from the national team.
I am unable by reason of my deformity to read them for myself.
They were unable to profit by any progressive legislation.
Medea was unable to save him, even by magical means.
The Alliance was unable to agree on a candidate by consensus, so decided to put it to a vote.