His face split into unaccustomed smiles as he faced photographers.
Elaida stood and started around the table, hands outstretched and an unaccustomed smile on her face.
"Well done, great hunter," Ortnar said, an unaccustomed smile on his lips.
Whatever was said pleased Lars so much that his face cracked into an unaccustomed smile.
He nodded, the down-turned comers of his mouth twisting themselves into an unaccustomed smile.
Bernard Ever went about with an unaccustomed smile on his face.
Grandpapa will be happy, and he felt his lips tugging up into the unaccustomed smile.
Pak allowed his face to crease in an unaccustomed smile.
Charlie turned to see an unaccustomed smile on the face of John Ryder.
An unaccustomed smile played for just a moment.